Wisconsin Newborn Home Lifestyle Portraits

I rubbed your mom’s tummy while you were still in there, hoping you would kick for me. Instead, you moved farther away from my hand. I called your name softly and talked to you, hoping you’d recognize my voice when you came out of the womb. You didn’t like it when I sang “Smelly Cat.” When I changed your diaper, you projectile peed twice. You gave me a lot of side eye’s and deadpan looks that clearly said you were done. But you still held my finger with your tiny little hands and let me hold you. You stopped crying when I sang “Jesus Loves Me,” and you were such a trooper staying awake for most of the session.

Liam, it is my absolute delight to capture these moments while you’re still small. It was surreal to see you out of the womb, in the flesh, with a head full of hair, but you came into the world already loved by many. You’re a prayer answered. And I’m glad these moments are frozen forever. At least as long as my external hard drive, back-up drive, and cloud storage is alive.

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Baby holding onto mom's finger Wisconsin newborn session.jpg
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Liam, you’ve got an entire village spread across the world who love and pray for you. And yes, I will constantly be taking pictures of you throughout your life. You’ll just have to get used to it.